Welcome to

Whilst under a controversial zip TLD, this site is intended to serve as a central location that provides users the access to a community authored game modification platform with additional features such as reputation metrics.

This site is however not intended to be like other sites such as, which could potentially masquerade harmful sources.

If you had the same idea as me, and wanted it under the domain, then please contact me via the Contact Resources dropdown with your suggestion, suggestions can also be sent within the discord server held by which is this site's parent and holder of all resources that serve


  1. Offers to buy the domain may be considered, however i currently see this personal project being very valuable to me.
  2. I intend for this domain to protect against malicious renaming attacks that try and manipulate end users into downloading malicious files via a link. However the end goal is oddly similar without the malicious part.
  3. This domain and aforementioned future of the concept intends to be easily hosted by me for a low start up and continual running cost, Until i find a way to sustainably monetize this idea without driving away traffic etc.